
Safe Car

Our proven preventative maintenance program will ensure your car is operating as safely as possible…

and we can also help hedge against unexpected hits to your pocket book.

I can operate more safely and reliably and cost my owner less money?  Sign me up!

It’s a fact. Over half of the cars on the roadway today are driving with one or more deficiencies that might affect their safe and reliable operation.

At Kerry’s Car and Truck Centre you will experience Honesty, Integrity, Great Value and Old Fashioned Personal Service with lots of smiles.

Might sound like a cliché but we know that is exactly what car owners are looking for in their service provider.

We share THE STRAIGHT GOODS with NO SURPRISES at a FAIR PRICE. Our business philosophy follows the very sound and tried and true practice of listening to customers, determining their needs and then meeting or exceeding expectations every time. And there is nothing wrong with a little surprise or freebee thrown in every now and again. Everyone likes to feel good about their experience and we are definitely a feel good automotive service provider. Drop by anytime to say hello, ask a question or get a second opinion. No appointment necessary and your satisfaction is guaranteed.

Many Services include Complimentary Roadside Assistance.

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